Choose To Love

Choose To Love

This is a guest post by Maggie Moran, a recent graduate of the Lynch School of Education at Boston College who has interned with us at Choose2Matter. Maggie is teaching a summer enrichment program and is pursuing her Masters and Special Ed Certification. Here, she...
Children ARE the Future – Dream With Me?

Children ARE the Future – Dream With Me?

A tweet from my friend, @iain2008 lead me to the following post: Creating a Better Future for Children by John D. Walker, M.D. It has been said that ” the only way to predict the future is to create it.”We can make it happen. But there is great wisdom in the well...
What If You Knew You Mattered?

What If You Knew You Mattered?

My day began with excitement and anticipation as I eagerly boarded the plane for what promises to be an awesome week of working with teachers and leaders in the beautiful state of Hawaii. The morning started out great, but went downhill quickly after two delays and a...
The Sandbox Manifesto

The Sandbox Manifesto

I happily and honestly proclaim that everything I have learned about social media, I learned from children. Children have no ulterior motives; they play authentically and transparently. In doing so, they place profound lessons in front of us. How do I know this? From...