Featured Books
Imagine a classroom where passion-driven genius work is not extracurricular but is a part of the routine. Students are invited and expected to collaborate to support each other’s genius, experiment with ideas, discover new possibilities, and make epic things happen.

Imagine a classroom where passion-driven genius work is not extracurricular, but is a part of the routine. Students are invited and expected to collaborate to support each other’s genius, experiment with ideas, discover new possibilities, and make epic things happen. Genius Hour is more than a “program” where students do fun projects together. Join us today to unlock a world of genuine curiosity and wonder.

You know students need to acquire 21st century skills. But how do you work those skills into the curriculum? Learn how to use the content you already teach to challenge students to think critically, collaborate with others, solve new problems, and adapt to change across new learning contexts. Help students build the seven habitudes –habits of disciplined decisions and specific attitudes – they need to succeed.


Mattering Is the Agenda is a 40 page handbook that curates the best of Angela’s “You Matter” content. The content is ideally suited for use on a professional development day, although many of the activities can also be used throughout the school year, both with teachers and with students.