The Intersection Between Structure and Spontaneity

The Intersection Between Structure and Spontaneity

Serendipity is the name given to those “happy accidents” we experience throughout life — finding a person, idea, or resource we didn’t expect, but greatly needed. These encounters enrich our lives with new experiences, connections, and insights. Using social media is...
Self-Awareness: What Makes You…YOU?

Self-Awareness: What Makes You…YOU?

As lifelong learners, our growth should never cease — least of all our growth in knowledge about ourselves. Without fully knowing ourselves, self-acceptance and change are all the more difficult. Self-awareness provides us with a system of checks and balances that...
Are You Carrying Rocks in Your Backpack?

Are You Carrying Rocks in Your Backpack?

I once stumbled across this Tweet from Matthew Goff. It read: “Rocks in our backpack lesson the invisible weight we carry when we forget we matter. #FoxHollowFlyers” This was a vivid visual reminder of what we do to ourselves when we don’t believe that we are enough....
Writing that is WOW – Worthy of the World

Writing that is WOW – Worthy of the World

Any regular reader of this blog knows how much I value good writing. My own personal statement begins “educator, author…” As I wrote in an article for the Huffington Post, I am an author not because of any particular skill or experience that I have, but rather because...
An Open Letter to Leaders

An Open Letter to Leaders

For many years, I have presented workshops for school and community leaders who are ready to embrace social media and explore the powerful ways new social technologies and platforms can be used in classrooms and schools. As I outlined, re-outlined and tweaked the...