Permission to Play, Please?

Permission to Play, Please?

When we treat play as seriously as it deserves, we feel the joy that’s in the creative spirit. It’s the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a difference in our lives -Fred Rogers.  This week, I had the honor of opening the K12 Online...
Bullying is not just a Youth Problem; It’s a Human One

Bullying is not just a Youth Problem; It’s a Human One

There’s a powerful new post on Seth Godin’s blog with an interesting take on bullying. It is not just a youth issue – it is a human one. A BULLY is a person of any age who intentionally uses power to cause physical or emotional distress with the purpose of dominating...
Brighter Days Ahead For All of Us

Brighter Days Ahead For All of Us

Guest post: this post is from Carly Shields and Jennie Shaw, two rising juniors at Downingtown STEM Academy, which we visited in early June. Read it and you’ll understand why I feel so blessed to be able to work with students such as these. There are, indeed, Brighter...
A “TO-BE” List for Aspiring Leaders

A “TO-BE” List for Aspiring Leaders

I have the privilege each year of speaking to auditoriums full of aspiring young leaders, anxious to go out into the world and make their mark. They are looking for the “book”, the “roadmap” , the “words or wisdom” that will guide them to the things they need “TO-DO”...