Angela Maiers has been creating and leading change in education and enterprise for 25 years, teaching every level of school from kindergarten to graduate school and consulting with companies around the world. She helps learners and leaders understand the transformative power of technology and the Internet.
Conference Videos
Youtube Snippets
enCOURAGEment Conversation with Angela Maiers
Angela Maiers On Why WE Matter
112. Angela Maiers
Episode 39: Liberating Genius| Angela Maiers from
Choose2Matter Movement. Everyone is created for significance! Guest: Angela Maiers
PowerSchoology? | Angela Maiers
April 29 2022 - Episode 90 - Angela Maiers
Angela Maiers: Futurist. Innovator. Educator. Entrepreneur. Change Maker.
#20: Mattering is Leading with Angela Maiers
In The News
“We live in a time in human history when we have the most extraordinary access to the broadest range of expertise and opinions the world has ever known. Now that it seems we’ve tackled one pandemic, it may be time to address the one between our ears before it’s too late. We can start by examining the work of two people whom I greatly admire: Angela Maiers and Craig Weber. Angela will show how much YOU matter, and Craig will give you the conversational capacity you’ll need to thrive in the new world. ” …..
The 18 Most Influential People in Ed Tech
10. Angela Maiers, founder of Maiers Educational Services
As a consultant, Maiers helps educators improve their technological literacy, their parent outreach, and student motivation. She wrote The Passion-Driven Classroom and Classroom Habitudes.
The 18 Most Influential People in Ed Tech
10. Angela Maiers, founder of Maiers Educational Services
As a consultant, Maiers helps educators improve their technological literacy, their parent outreach, and student motivation. She wrote The Passion-Driven Classroom and Classroom Habitudes.
Book Angela Maiers
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