5 Helpful Tips for New Android Users

Hello Friends!

I’m so excited that Clubhouse has finally come out with a new update that allows Android users on the platform! Now that there will probably be a lot of new people joining, I wanted to give you 5 tips to help you get started.

1. Start by creating your profile: Add a picture, write a bio description, link your social media… This way, when you join rooms, people will be able to get to know you! The first three lines of your bio are the most important, so make them count.

2. Search for topics you’re interested in: There are so many communities on Clubhouse, so you’re bound to find your niche. Tap the magnifying glass on the home screen to explore clubs, https://www.dentavacation.com/ambien/, people, and certain topics. Some of my favorites include public speaking, business, and education.

3. Be genuine and considerate: The best way to connect with people on Clubhouse is to be authentic and kind to others on the platform. People will be able to tell if you’re just in it to gain followers or money, so make sure you’re joining a room for the right reasons and always be considerate of others.

4. Connect with people afterwards: If you really enjoyed being in a room with someone, let them know! Send them a DM on Instagram or Twitter and explain what really stuck with you about what they said. This is a great way to introduce yourself off Clubhouse and also stay connected for future collaborations.

5. Start your own room: And if you feel like you’re ready, you can also start your own room. I’d recommend starting your own room once you’ve been on the app for a little while so that you have experience as an audience member and also have time to build up a following. Tips on titling your room: Pick a name that will grab people’s attention and make them want to listen in on the conversation!

If you’d like more detailed tips on how to use Clubhouse, feel free to check out my Clubhouse Beginner’s Guide or connect with me personally @AngelaMaiers!

Happy Listening, Learning and Leading!